Hi, Thanks for your reply and help. I don't know why that I can't reply on page http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.vpn.openconnect.devel/1650 by the reply button,so I send an new email to you. The problems in both Question 1 and Question 2 had been solved with the patch you give! (on page http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.vpn.openconnect.devel/1650) But a new error occurs when the recompiled openconnect6.0 run on XP . It Prompts that "Cannot locate the entrance point :GetVolumeInformationByHandleW in Kernel32.dll". The error is just like the front one . I think maybe that the XP system doesn't support the new function in later Windows system version. and maybe there is also some other functions like that. Thanks L.G