Protecting one of America's most beautiful places

For more than three decades, there have been demands to drill for oil in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Yesterday, the President said that he will be calling on Congress to end the debate once and for all and protect the refuge as what it is: a national treasure that we can’t afford to destroy. The region is home to the most diverse array of wildlife in the entire Arctic -- including the Porcupine caribou, polar bears, gray wolves, and muskoxen.
Find out more about how the President wants to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Drilling could irreparably damage the region and harm the Alaska Native communities who still depend on the region for sustenance.
What's more, bird species from the Coastal Plain, a core area of the Refuge, migrate to all 50 states of the country. So no matter where you live, the Arctic Refuge is part of your own landscape.
The U.S. is already the world's number-one producer of oil and natural gas, and we're importing less oil today than we have in almost three decades. As the President said, there's no good argument against preserving this wonder for future generations.
That's why he's calling on Congress to act. Learn more about what that would mean here.