Good morning,
41 -- that's the number of leading economists -- including three Nobel Prize winners -- who sent a letter to President Obama and Congress yesterday urging the swift passage of comprehensive health insurance reform to curb skyrocketing health care costs.1
41 -- is also the percentage of adults under the age of 65 who accumulated medical debt, had difficulty paying medical bills, or struggled with both during a recent one-year period.2
No ifs, ands or buts about it -- if we do nothing to reform our broken health care system, costs will continue to skyrocket and break the budgets of American families, small businesses and the Federal Government.
If we pass comprehensive health insurance reform, we can reverse this trend and control rising costs. According to some of our nation's leading economists, "the health care reforms passed by the House and Senate -- with recent modifications proposed by President Obama -- include serious measures that will slow the growth of health care spending."
The facts above paint a very clear picture -- the United States cannot wait any longer for health insurance reform.
41 is just the latest number in ‘Health Reform by the Numbers,' our online campaign to raise awareness about why the time is now for health insurance reform. To help spread the word, share this email with your family, friends and online networks.
Let's get it done.
Nancy-Ann DeParle Director, White House Office of Health Reform
1 Letter to President Obama and Congress, March 11, 2010 2 The Commonwealth Fund, Seeing Red: The Growing Burden of Medical Bills and Debt Faced by U.S. Families, August 2008
