Good Afternoon,
I’m writing to share a startling prospect: due to rising levels of childhood obesity, our Nation’s youngest generation could actually face a shorter expected lifespan than its parents.
That’s unacceptable. As Americans, we all work tirelessly to provide a better world for the next generation. As a mother, I can tell you that nothing is as important as a child’s health.
The problem is clear. Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in this country have tripled. Today, obesity and excess weight threaten the health of one out of three American children.
It’s time for us to act. That's why I’m asking you to be part of Let's Move! -- a nationwide effort to solve the obesity epidemic within one generation. Learn more here:
Today, pediatricians treat children with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even Type II diabetes. Teachers see bullying and teasing in class. School counselors see kids with depression and low self-esteem. Coaches see kids struggling to keep up or stuck on the sidelines.
Obesity affects our economy as well. Our country spends nearly $150 billion treating obesity-related conditions like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. We can expect that number to grow unless healthy changes occur.
I hope you’ll take a moment to join community leaders, teachers, doctors, nurses, moms and dads across the country. Together, we will work to help our kids eat better and lead active, healthy lives.
Thank you,
First Lady Michelle Obama The White House
P.S. We’ve posted a special video about this effort to LetsMove.gov. Check it out.
