Dear Friend,
This was a week where we at the White House were reminded more than ever of why we came to work for this President.
On Wednesday, President Obama delivered his State of the Union address, laying out his priorities for jumpstarting job creation, fighting to restore economic security for American families and changing the way business is done in Washington.
But then on Friday something remarkable happened -- with much less fanfare. The President visited House Republicans at their retreat and answered their questions directly for most of an hour. It was an honest and unscripted discussion where the President took their questions and concerns seriously, acknowledged where they had valid points, and explained genuinely where he felt they were wrong.
In short, it was something that for many Americans has seemed all but inconceivable in American politics -- a real discussion with honest disagreements about the challenges we face.
You can watch the video at
The President talked about how politicians of both parties need to work together to bring change to Washington. But changing our politics is not just about Washington. It’s about you, and every American citizen, knowing that government is listening and that you can hold your government accountable.
That’s why immediately after the State of the Union, we partnered with YouTube to give you an opportunity to ask questions of the President. Ask whatever you want, or just vote on other questions that your fellow citizens have submitted. The President will answer some of those questions in a unique live event on Monday at
If changing our politics were easy, it would have been done long ago. I hope we can all join the President in helping make that change happen.
Watch the video of President Obama with House Republicans, then submit your own question or just vote on the questions that you'd like to see him answer on Monday.
David Axelrod Senior Advisor to the President
