Um, this may be a FAQ, but I've run into problems with having my NNTPcache directory on the same partition as my logs and mail spool. I can't seem to get NNTPcache to only use _part_ of the disk I've allocated to /var. When people are greedy (newsing through alt.binaries.*) the disk fills up pretty quickly. The problem is that NNTPcache seems to want that disk space, and never releases it, once it has it (sure it caches out articles, but it still just keeps growing until it runs out of space). Therefore, logs and mail (in my case) have problems being delivered. As a quick hack solution, I've written a perl script which "df's" the partition, killing certain groups if over a threshold. Is there a way of setting up NNTPcache a la Squid? "Don't you use any more disk space than XXXXMB" Or did I just skip this part in the config file? Tor.