NNTPC: Problem with expire under Solaris 2.4

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jaf@unb.ca writes:

  I would be perfectly happy, however, to be told exactly what has to be done
  to get the damn program to work in a Solaris 2.4 environment.  I really don't
  have time to debug someone else's code [...]

A lot of people put a lot of time into the nntpcache code, and many of
us enjoy the `damn program.'  Your rather nasty tone is unwarranted,
and no doubt not appreciated.

At least in nntpcache-1.0.5, which is the latest I've used, in
mmalloc/mrealloc.c, there is a define

#  define memmove(dst,src,len) bcopy(src,dst,len)

It was put there because many versions ago I had to add the define for
memmove() to get the mmalloc code to compile under Sunos-4.1.3, which
does not have memmove().  For some reason, the HAVE_MEMMOVE define is
not getting propagated to the mmalloc Makefile.  You can fix it
manually, or in the spirit of the nntpcache project, you could fix the
Makefile configuration to work for Solaris and send your patch in for
the benefit of other users.

Then, you should be able to compile and link without the ucb
libraries, and may find that many of your problems will go away.


Ronald Florence			Maple Lawn Farm, Stonington, CT
ron@mlfarm.com			http://www.connix.com/~mlfarm

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