This version has an error in the newshound.c file move the 3 fclose statements inside the else condition int check(char *server, char *group, int article) { /* Check to see if article is cached */ FILE *cp, *cp_x, *cp_h; int result; char tmp[128], xtmp[128], htmp[128], bak[128], gtmp[128], *fstmp; strcpy(gtmp, group); strcpy(tmp, strtok(gtmp, ".")); while ((fstmp = (strtok(NULL, "."))) != NULL) { strcpy(bak, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", bak, fstmp); } strcpy(bak, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s/%s/%d", cachedir, server, bak, article); cp = fopen(tmp, "r"); sprintf(xtmp, "%s/%s/%s/%d_xover", cachedir, server, bak, article); cp_x = fopen(xtmp, "r"); sprintf(htmp, "%s/%s/%s/%d_head", cachedir, server, bak, article); cp_h = fopen(htmp, "r"); if ( ((cp == NULL) && (cp_x == NULL)) || ((cp_h == NULL) && (head)) ) { result=1; if (debug>=3) /* This routine is called from a loop so is */ if (head) /* automatically a level 3 debug. */ printf("NH :> %s is NOT cached\n", htmp); else printf("NH :> %s or %s is NOT cached\n", tmp, xtmp); } else { result=0; if (debug>=3) if (head) printf("NH :> %s is cached\n", htmp); else printf("NH :> %s or %s is cached\n", tmp, xtmp); fclose(cp); fclose(cp_h); fclose(cp_x); } return result; } Brian Moga