I apologize, I wrote to quickly my example, I've got the dot at the end of each nntp servers in the server list and in the grouplist. so I think the problem is somewhere else. I hope you can help me, thanks the question is : I use a nntpcache version 2.4.0b3 on solaris 2.7 with a file "nntpcache.servers" like this A.com. DEFAULT 24h 4d 4d 30m 60d 60d B.com. DEFAULT 24h 4d 4d 30m 60d 60d C.com. DEFAULT 24h 4d 4d 30m 60d 60d %BeginGroups * A.com. B.* B.com. C.* C.com. when i start the deamon, I dont see B.* or C.* news group, just those of A.com. if I change * A.com. by * B.com, then I see B newsgroup but no A.com or C.com We can simultaneously contact those 3 servers without any problem.