Re: NNTPC: 0.87.6UL does nothing

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> I installed the config file and now it says:
> May 24 00:13:42 spoof ./nntpcached[24090]: error in config file /etc/nntpcache.config: v
> ariable used is not known (3): string accessFile /etc/nntpcache.access: Undefined error:
>  0
> The config file reads:
> # where the access control configuration information is located
> string accessFile /etc/nntpcache.access
>                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this file exists

looks like you copied and not nntpcache.config to /etc

try "make nntpcache.config" - that file is generated out of
with a sed script (sed -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z]\)\+ //;s/"//g') (removes the
first word and any quotes). I haven't tested this on non GNU sed. That
may be your problem.

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely  exercised for the good of its victims  
 may be the most  oppressive.  It may be better to live under  robber barons  
 than  under  omnipotent  moral busybodies,  The robber baron's  cruelty may  
 sometimes sleep,  his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who  
 torment us for own good  will torment us  without end,  for they do so with 
 the approval of their own conscience."    -   C.S. Lewis, _God in the Dock_ 
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