On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Evan Champion wrote: > > There is only key expiration settings: maxArtAge. Most likely you have > >your maxArtAge set too high. You should probably have maxArtAge set to > >about 34 hours (my estimate based on which server you cache from, and a > >guess at the size of your reader population). > > Sorry, I did mean maxArtAge. It is set to 24h. I had the minBlocksFree set > to 10Mblocks, but perhaps that should be 100Mblocks. expireCheckPeriod is > set to the default 5m. You want minBlocksFree set to as small as possible. That way you can get as many articles as possible in the cache. But you want to make sure minBlocksFree is big enough so that nntpcache doesn't run out space before expire removes anything. I don't think you have enough cache space for the type of reader volume you handle. 24h of articles isn't really enough to be effective. You want to think about turning off article caching, or adding more cache space. What is you cache efficiency, btw? You might want to reset the stats when the cache is full, to see what your efficieny is like with a full cache. I suspect that you are getting less than 20%. Adding more drives to cache can often pay for itself. I found that there is cache size threshold (depending on the size of your readership, and the amount of available articles on the home nntp server), after which efficiency starts to really improve. I'm currently at 32%. > Evan Tom