Hi All, This is a little off topic but: I was just wondering what tools you guys use to find out what goes wrong when something goes wrong. I would like to find the cause as to why saw too many /r is causing my main feed not to get cached but am puzzled where to start. I have been out of the coding arena for some time and am familiar with c code but not with the tools linux people use to watch what happens in the code. Regs, Davor Mikka Int. > > Well, I WAS running 2.3betas sucessfully, BUT for 2.3.2 release. > > After it came out things stop working :-( strange isn't it? > > > > I'm using DU3.2D and GCC 2.8.0 > > There seems to be a pattern here. > > A lot of the people with problems are using gcc-2.8.0. > > I've had a look at what's going on, and it seems that we're > getting a SEGV when gethostbyaddr is used. > > For some reason, the signal handler isn't displaying a message > about this when it happens.