Linux 2.0.32, nntpcache 2.3.2 : news.err logfile : Feb 17 22:49:14 Chaos nntpcached[383]: nntpcache.c:1145:Connection reset by peer: accept() failed Feb 17 22:50:27 Chaos last message repeated 4 times Feb 17 22:53:18 Chaos nntpcached[383]: nntpcache.c:1145:No route to host: accept() failed Feb 17 22:53:53 Chaos nntpcached[383]: nntpcache.c:1145:No route to host: accept() failed Feb 17 23:13:12 Chaos nntpcached[383]: nntpcache.c:1145:Connection reset by peer: accept() failed Feb 17 23:14:50 Chaos nntpcached[383]: nntpcache.c:207:Interrupted system call: SIGSEGV! Feb 17 23:14:51 Chaos nntpcached[32142]: nntpcache.c:207:Invalid argument: SIGSEGV! news.debug : Feb 17 23:14:50 Chaos nntpcached[383]: nntpcache.c:399: starting client task Feb 17 23:14:50 Chaos nntpcached[383]: nntpcache.c:207:Interrupted system call: SIGSEGV! This then continues on with SIGSEGV!'s until the cows come home - nntpcached is respawned by init. Until I delete the entire cache spool, at which point it starts up again happily. Same situation on another machine - identical setup, but it died at about 9pm instead. -David South Island News Admin The Internet Group New Zealand