In this scenario I would isolate stuff until find at last the domain of the problem. You say that it happens after some hours, can it be because of temperature?, What is the workload?
2017-12-01 12:05 GMT-02:00 Victor Ascroft <victorascroft@xxxxxxxxx>:
I have a iMX6 running a 4.9 kernel with a custom kernel driver communicating
with a FPGA over PCIe. The driver is not built in to the kernel but loaded as
a module after complete boot up. During the running of the system, after a few
hours the kernel completely freezes. No kernel panics or stack traces, nothing.
I have access to the serial console.
In such a scenario what are the ways to debug and try locating the source of
the problem? I am not looking for a solution for my problem but things or
approaches one can go about trying while trying to fix such a scenario?
Thank you for any pointers in advance.
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