Hello, I am trying to use call_usermodehelper as described in this link http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-user-space-apps/index.html My need is to launch commands/daemons/read-logs/dmesg on my PCIe card which runs Linux. Description of usage model: 1) PCI Host is Linux / BSD or any other OS . This machine will run a “custom_command” to PCIe card. 2) My PCIe offload card runs linux OS. I want to write a general tool for my PCI host system which can : 1. Launch user space linux commands on PCIe card running linux. 2. And returns me back the command status + any STDIO data back to PCI host. For example: 1) “ pci_host1_shell# ./custom_command ifconfig eth0 192.168.x.y” configures IP on PCIe card 2) “ pci_host1_shell# ./custom_command ifconfig “ returns the information back to host. 3) “pci_host1_shell# ./custom_command dmesg” returns all the logs back to PCI host Question: Can I use call_usermodehelper family of APIs to do all this ? I already have experimented and example 1 is working successfully. But currently I don’t know how to get STDIO or STDERR data back fromcall_usermodehelper(). Question: How to get the output back from call_usermodehelper ? Thanks much - vikas -- To unsubscribe from this list: send an email with "unsubscribe kernelnewbies" to ecartis@xxxxxxxxxxxx Please read the FAQ at http://kernelnewbies.org/FAQ