Will do some research today and see what is happening. I have ATI Radeon Graphics
Card installed.
Thanks and Regards,
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 11:09 AM, John Mahoney <jmahoney@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 1:18 AM, Rags Linux <linux.rags@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks John. Yea sorry its Ctrl + Alt and not Ctrl + Shift. However,
This ain't working for me. My monitor goes blank and goes to sleep mode as though
the monitor is switched off.I would open a bug report in Ubuntus launchpad. It is probablly a xorg or video driver bugTo see the grub info edit /etc/default/grub and change lineGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""then run "update-grub" in the terminal and reboot.NOTE:this was using Ubuntu 10.10. I have been running it in beta(today I believe it is no longer beta) for a few weeks and it is good. If you have a really new computer and are having driver issues I would recommend trying Ubuntu 10.10 instead of rolling your own kernel to get a newer kernel, unless you want to ply of course.I would probably ask this question on a Ubuntu forum i this does not help...--John