Thnx for the response.
I'm not using a codec. I have shorted the DX line of McBSP4 to the DR line of McBSP4.
I'm not using the clock lines.
Best Regards,
Umesh K.
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 1:20 AM, Microbit_Ubuntu_9101 <microbit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi,On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 10:57 +0530, umesh krishnan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using an OMAP3530 based custom board. I'm trying to test the
> McBSP4 interface on the OMAP. There is no codec attached to it. The
> transmit (DX) line of the McBSP4 is connected to its recieve (DR)
> line. I want to put data to the DXR register and read it on the DRR
> reg. Can anybody suggest me how to do it?
> Has any body tested the McBSP4 interface?? Any pointers on how to do
> this?
> --
> Best Regards,
> Umesh K.
If it's a codec, then there's every chance it uses the standard I2S
You didn't specify whether you actually have/use a clock line - or
conversely, whether it's actually a synchronous interface ?
.. need to know this to be able to help
Best regards,
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