Hi all, I've got a digital IO board sitting on a ISA bus in an industrial x86 computer. I've got a simple driver with ioctl interface for toggling the IO pins Hi and Low and it works fine. Now I'm about to develop a bitbanging SPI driver with the use of drivers/spi/spi_bitbang.c. Unfortunately I don't understand how to glue it with my IO driver, more precisely - how to register a new SPI driver. The other modules in drivers/spi seem to use platform_driver_register() or spi_register_driver() to get their blah_probe() called and then they go from there. However, whatever I tried, my _probe() method never gets called. The module is as simple as this (remove/exit methods omitted from this email): static int inro_spi_probe(struct spi_device *dev) { printk(KERN_INFO PFX "inro_spi_probe() called\n"); return -ENODEV; } static struct spi_driver inro_spi_drv = { .probe = inro_spi_probe, .driver = { .name = "inro_spi", .owner = THIS_MODULE, }, }; static int __init inro_spi_init(void) { printk(KERN_INFO PFX "inro_spi_init() called\n"); return spi_register_driver(&inro_spi_drv); } module_init(inro_spi_init); I tried spi_register_driver() as well as platform_driver_register() both to no avail. I assume I'd need some support in xxx_platform_data for platform_driver_register() to work but since we're running an unmodified Debian kernel on x86 I can't do that. What needs to be done for spi_register_driver() to call my _probe() I have no idea. So my question is how to register/init the module and make it available to the SPI subsystem? I somehow can't figure it out :-( Thanks for any hints! Michal -- To unsubscribe from this list: send an email with "unsubscribe kernelnewbies" to ecartis@xxxxxxxxxxxx Please read the FAQ at http://kernelnewbies.org/FAQ