I have corrected my mistake. I was not able to receive messages from kernel to user space using netlink_broadcast because I didn't subscribe the group using setsockopt() in the user space program. connector use netlink_broadcast, hence same case with the connector.
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Thierry <chocapiiic.tiery@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
sorry but here (GMT+2), it is just the morning.
I have put three versions of my code:
unicast_wait.tgz => is a basic code taken from the website
www.linuxjournal.com/article/7356, it works but it is only for
understanding netlink socks.
threads.tgz => similar implementation but with a thread and a while(1)
=> just to see how threads works.
unicast_current.tgz => my current program
As you will see, my code is not very good, it is my first time in the
kernel, so I am trying many things but without thinking about mutex,
concurency etc...
Some information about my work:
I would like to capture trafic on infiniband devices using traps in
kernel. I have to dump information from specific module and forward
this to a userspace process.
that's why I was thinking about netlink socket.
For my current program, I will make a trap on Infiniband module to my
module in order to send informations on netlink socket. I just have to
know the pid of my userspace process: I will send the pid using the
callback function of netlink_kernel_create.
In order to learn how to program in kernel, i use:
If you can suggest me other references.
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Prashant Bhole
<prashantsmailcenter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please help!
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Prashant Bhole
> <prashantsmailcenter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am stuck in netlink and connector.
>> Netlink:
>> I used this article http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7356 to learn
>> netlink. Modified the code by going through current kernel code which uses
>> netlink sockets. Now I have a code which can send data from user space to
>> kernel and vice versa. But kernel hangs after after few attempts of
>> executing it. Unable to figure out the problem. I have attached the code. It
>> would be great if sombody can solve the problem.
>> Connector:
>> Then I turned to connector. Tried connector example in documentation. I am
>> not able to receive any message from kernel side. Please sombody try that
>> code and let me know if it is working properly.
>> --
>> ~p~r~a~s~h~a~n~t~
> --
> ~p~r~a~s~h~a~n~t~