Hi, On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:40 AM, PAtrick Gerber <kpa_info@xxxxxxxx> wrote:> Hello,>> I would like to try to use sysfs_notify() / poll() mechanism from my driver> to notify some events to my application. I'm looking for a tiny example> showing the use of this mechanism.>> The driver side with sysfs_notify seems quite simple but I have absolutely> no idea about the application side. Fo poll method you canfind good description and also example at:http://linux.die.net/man/3/poll >> Thanks in advance>> Patrick> thanks, Marek -- as simple as primitive as possible----------------------------------------------Marek Beliško - open-nandraRuská Nová Ves 21908005 PrešovSlovakiahttp://open-nandra.com��.n��������+%����w�j)p���{.n����z�ޖw�n'���q���b�������v��m�����Y�����