Hi, this is maybee not question to this mailing list, but I think some ofyou can give me satisfied response ;). I'm testing hrtimers on my board (ARM9), but I'm little bit confusedwith results. With enabled or disabled hrtimers in kernel I always after callclock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ...same result only granularity (get with fn.:clock_getres )of timer is changed. I supposed something with granularity should be changed but maybee Imissunderstand something. So it means that enabling or disabling of hrtimers in kernel don'thave any influence for system call clock_gettime? Thank's for your response Marek -- as simple as primitive as possible----------------------------------------------Marek BeliškoRuská Nová Ves 21908005 PrešovSlovakiahttp://binaural.ifastnet.com��.n��������+%����w�j)p���{.n����z�ޖw�n'���q���b�������v��m�����Y�����