For my project df command will help only if i know the device to which
my usb storage device is attached.
shreeram wrote:
ravikumar wrote:
Please help me for the following project
V.Ravikumar wrote:
I want implement following project: Detecting files transfered from/to
usb storage from/to my system.
I can detect the plugged in usd storage device through
/proc/bus/usb/devices,but detectioon is not enough,i need to find what
are files transfered from/to usb storage device.(using usbmon i cant
find the file names that are transfered from/to usb storage device).
What i'm thinking is if i'm able to find out the mount point, then i
can use the inotify to monitor this mount point, so that i can detect
files transfers.
Please help me to implement my project.
On 9/11/08, ravikumar <ravikumar.vallabhu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The command "df" gives the details about mounted filesystems, mount
points and usage space.
you can do "df > name.txt" and parse the text file to get the mount
How to find out where is my usb storage device mounted on,I need to find
out using some program.
I knew ,usb devices will usually mount on some directory on root file
system with some directory name.
But need to identify it using some program.
R.S.Shree Ram
GDA Technologies Ltd.