sahlot arvind wrote:
Its quite confusing man. And I am still unable to understand the
entire concept.
Where does Linux Kernel live in memory(Physical) forget about Virtual
mem at the moment?
And where do processes execute again physically forget abt virtual at
the moment?
I am looking at source code as well as just started reading a book
called "Understanding Linux Virtual memory Manager"
I am on 2nd chapter of this book. Dont know if I would be able to
understand entire VM even after reading this book.
Can somebody give me an overview of how linux comes up to bringing shell?
I mean -
When PC boots - where (again physical mem not virtual, it confuses me
at the moment) linux is loaded by boot loader?
and when control is transferred to kernel, what exactly it does in the
sense, it sets up vector table, page table (but where? again phy
address) etc.?
there is one chapter in UTLK about kernel booting will help you
to clear your doubts.
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