root@localhost linux]# head include/asm-i386/param.h
#ifndef _ASMi386_PARAM_H
#define _ASMi386_PARAM_H
#ifdef __KERNEL__
# define HZ 1000 /* Internal kernel timer frequency */ <==== (hardcoded,previously it was CONFIG_HZ
* Which as pointed by Erik was overriding the changes in param.h
* from kernel/Kconfig.hz
As uptime = jiffies/HZ;
and hence to produce the jiffies wrap up early,one can configure HZ to a larger value.
Thank you everyone,
Thx everyone,
On Jan 11, 2008 12:29 PM, amit mehta <
amit4g@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Sanjeev,
Let me try to clear this confusion.
The requirement is to have this hack on 2.4 kernel and while trying to do so on 2.4, the build procedure failed
which was due to a HIGHER version of gcc on my system, and as i have said before that i don't know
how to replace the current HIGHER version of gcc with a LOWER version, i went ahead in tweaking with 2.6(just
to make sure that the changes are working on 2.6 atleast)
For 2.4 i had referred the following thread:
And thx a ton for staying on this.
On Jan 11, 2008 10:41 AM, sanjeev sharma < sanjeevsharmaengg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:hay could you tell me on which system you r wanted to upgrade.
sanjeevOn Jan 11, 2008 10:20 AM, amit mehta <amit4g@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:i don't know how to replace the *current higher version* of gcc with an older version of gcc :(
~amitOn Jan 11, 2008 10:11 AM, sanjeev sharma < sanjeevsharmaengg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:hi,
This is very easy to upgrade gcc version for 2.4 kernel.
you have to install higher version of gcc.
Thanks nad Regards
sanjeev sharmaOn Jan 10, 2008 3:57 PM, amit mehta < amit4g@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi Mulyadi,
i do have the 2.4 sources but due to higher version of gcc, the build procedure fails.
Also i don't know how to replace the current higher version of gcc with an older version of gcc :(
~amitOn Jan 10, 2008 3:41 PM, Mulyadi Santosa <mulyadi.santosa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi...>For 2.4.x, google for "variable HZ" offers capability to chance HZ
> Though the customer is having 2.4 kernel,but i was giving a try on 2.6
> first(because the building
> procedure failed,seems to be due to a higher version of gcc, and as i didn't
> had
> and i just checked that the same file ,i.e. kernel/Kconfig.hz is not
> available for 2.4
> ~amit
virtually into any number you want via make config/menuconfig/xconfig.