On 10/10/2007 01:59 AM, Christopher Reder wrote:
These are the fonts I have: (and I want to know the name that X expects
from them in the form from above
$ fc-list
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:style=Bold
DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold Oblique
[ ... ]
You are too far offtopic for this list.
The latter fonts do not have a name like the the first -- X these days uses
two completely seperate font mechanisms. One the old core fonts (among them
the -misc-fixed bitmap font you list) and the other the modern "fontconfig"
fonts which is where the latter come from.
Seeing as how you seem to need/want core fonts for something, try "xfontsel"
for a semi-useful way to look at them.
But Followup-to: google please.
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