Linux Guy wrote:
I have a Realteck 8139 PCI fst ethernet adapter. It
uses the fealnx kernel module.
I have problems changing the mac address.
normally after boot it works correctly. but after i
change the mac address it doesnt respond.
<ping reply>
$ifconfig eth0 down
$ifconfig eth0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
$ifconfig eth0 up
<network host unreachable>
This is very wierd. I had a dlink lan card and it used
to work properly after changing the mac address.
Anyone knows why Realtek cards dont work after
changing mac address...
I have test this on a gentoo (2.6.7 kernel), slackware
(2.4.26 kernel), knoppix live cd, pclinuxos live cd.
Maybe it's a cache problem. Other computers or routers on your lan have
probably kept the old ip adress-mac adress link. Try to free the arp
cache of your others machines.
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