On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 17:14:21 +0530, Amith wrote: > ok - proc1 isnt something great. It stores data written to it "echo "abcd" > > /proc/myfile" and gives it back when u "cat /proc/myfile" - it maintains a buffer of > chars internally - thats all and its usecount was one somehow - i wanted to rmmod it - > didnt feel like rebooting the mcahine so came remover.c . Though I can't currently find where that happens, I'd suspect the /proc code to claim usage of your module if the file is opened. Didn't it remain open or somethig like that? By the way, ever heared of the -f option to rmmod? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb@ucw.cz>
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