Re: Why tproxy to doesn't make packets go through the input chain with iifname lo?

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Thanks for the detailed explanations Máté and Bazsi.

They answered a lot of questions I had.

I do have a couple of follow up questions if you don’t mind:

> The device in your advanced routing rule "ip route add local default dev lo table 100" is not really used for input purposes.

>From my test, without "meta mark set 1” being after the tproxy rule, and thus bypassing the previous routing rule, a packet arriving on lan lands on no chain after it goes through the filter prerouting chain. I assume it gets dropped during the routing decision? With "meta mark set 1”, after going through the filter prerouting chain, it shows up in the mangle input chain.

Maybe I missed something, but it seems "tproxy to" is not enough to have a packet redirected to a local socket? My test belongs to the “open dynamically” case you mentioned. I wonder if it's due to the conflict between tproxy asking the packet to be redirected to, and the ip stack's refusal of treating the destination as local without the routing rule?

> iifname is not changed by the tproxy rule and the packet content is not overwritten either.

This makes sense.

I'm curious about how tproxy works because I want to differentiate between packets that intrinsically go through the input chain (which should be rejected) and those go through it because of the tproxy rule (which should be accepted). I initially thought I could just reject any packet go through the filter input chain with iifname being “lo”. But if it’s not changed, what would be a good way to differentiate?

I did found out that with "meta mark set 1”, the mark was still set in the mangle input chain, but it got cleared in the next filter input chain. So I  guess it’s a dead end.

>  It does not need to be in the nat table, in the iptables times we put it in mangle IIRC.

I did use mangle in my real device, but mistakingly typed nat here, sorry about the confusion.


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