Hi, Foomuuri is a multizone bidirectional nftables firewall. We have been developing Foomuuri firewall software for last four months. It's already installed to ~50 different systems, from laptops to servers to corporate router firewall. Now we consider it as "stable" so it's time to annouce is more publicly. It should fit most firewalls as is, only some advanced features (like multi-ISP) are missing. Source, documentation and release files are available at: https://github.com/FoobarOy/foomuuri Help wanted: All kind of ideas, testing, documentation, patches, etc are welcome. For example, we use rpm packages ourself and deb packages are only briefly tested. Features: - Firewall zones - Bidirectional firewalling for incoming, outgoing and forwarding traffic - Suitable for all systems from personal laptop to corporate firewalls - Rich rule language for flexible and complex rules - Predefined list of services for simple rule writing - Rule language supports macros and templates - IPv4 and IPv6 support with automatic rule splitting per protocol - SNAT, DNAT and masquerading support - Logging and counting - Rate limiting - DNS hostname lookup support with dynamic IP address refreshing - IPsec matching support - Ability to map certain traffic to separate zones - D-Bus API - FirewallD emulation for NetworkManager's zone support - Raw nftables rules can be used - Fresh design, written to use modern nftables's features Sorry if this email is considered spam. I will not send it again.