On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 8:21 PM Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I thought meters were unique in that the set underlying them gets added to by > incoming traffic. Can maps/sets do that? > > Also can maps/sets duplicate the functionality of a meter with a counter?: if > you have one of those running for a while with no time-out then nft list shows > counts for each different IP connected to by the system (metering outbound > connections IIRC) > Sure, something like: table ip my_filter_table { set my_connlimit { type ipv4_addr size 65535 flags dynamic elements = { counter packets 2 bytes 656 } } chain my_output_chain { type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept; ct state new add @my_connlimit { ip daddr counter } accept } }