Hi, I want to have a namespace connected to a vpn so any programs I run will use the vpn connection instead of my isp connection. I also want to be able to forward lan traffic on port 50500 to the namespace as well. I'm creating a network namespace (vpn) and a veth pair with veth0 on the outside with my nic and veth1 inside. In the namespace I add a default route for veth1 to veth0's ip, and then start openvpn in the namespace. At this point whatever I do outside the namespace is on my isp ip, and whatever I do inside the namespace is on the vpn ip. I can ping veth1 from outside the namespace, and I can ping my nic ip & veth0 from inside the namespace. My nic ip is, veth0 is, and veth1 in the namespace is And there's a tun0 in the namespace with the vpn ip. This is where I get stuck though. From what I've read I believe I need to setup nat prerouting outside the namespace with: nft add table nat nft add chain nat prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority 0 \; } nft add chain nat postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100 \; } nft add rule nat prerouting ip saddr tcp dport 50500 dnat I think this is correct so far because I see activity on veth1 when I run tcpdump in the namespace. But how do I get the traffic back out to the right lan ip that it came in on? I'm new to this and really appreciate any help! Thanks! -Derek