Hello Everyone,
I am using a pair of HA FW clusters with iptables, conntrackd, and
keepalived on Debian Jessy with kernel 4.9.15. I compiled
conntrack-tools 1.4.4 from the sources. I configured keeplived and
conntrackd exactly same with the documentation.
Everything works flawlessly when I restart keepalived service or put the
interfaces down on the master or on the backup. Failover occurs without
any problem and the backup FW takes the load without interruption. But
when I reboot the master FW server, backup server takes the load without
problem, but whenever the master server becomes online again and takes
the load back, ongoing sessions like ssh are dropped.
I found a similar thread with the topic "Suggested improvement for
conntrack-tools primary-backup.sh script " about the similar problem,
and tried that solution with adding "conntrackd -n" to the original
primary-backup.sh script with no luck.
I read the test case in netfilter page several times, and check my rules
according to the scenario. Here is my firewall rules related with the
ssh session: (variables with $ are defined in my script)
iptables -A FORWARD -i $INET_IFACE -o $DMZ_IFACE -m state --state
iptables -A FORWARD -p ALL -d $DMZ_LAN -j dmz_input
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -s $DMZ_LAN --syn -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -s $DMZ_LAN -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j
iptables -A FORWARD -p ALL -s $DMZ_LAN -j dmz_output
iptables -A dmz_output -s $DMZ_LAN -j ACCEPT
iptables -A dmz_input -p tcp -s -d $DMZ_SERVICE_IP -m
multiport --dports 22 -j ACCEPT # Service SSH
Before rebooting the master server, when I compare the conntrackd
internal and external caches on the master and backup servers, I can see
a difference. Real IP of the server that I connect with ssh is shown by
On the master:
root@IST-FW01:~# conntrackd -i | grep {ssh_server_IP} | grep sport=22
tcp 6 ESTABLISHED src= dst={ssh_server_IP} sport=55190
dport=22 src= dst= sport=22 dport=55190
[ASSURED] [active since 4s]
On the backup:
root@IST-FW02:~# conntrackd -e | grep {ssh_server_IP} | grep dport=22
tcp 6 ESTABLISHED src= dst={ssh_server_IP} sport=55190
dport=22 [ASSURED] [active since 45s]
As you can see, the ssh server is behind the firewall and is accessed
with the help of nat rules. But nat part from the dmz to the internet is
only seen on the master server, and missing on the backup.
I do not know whether this is the expected behavior or not. When I
restart the keepalived service or put the interfaces down, it works as
expected. It does not work only when I reboot the master and it becomes
online again. Am I missing something? Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
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