Re: TCP flags syntax in nftables

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On 03/23/17 12:11, Brian Filipek wrote:

I've done some digging but really can't find a good explanation of the
syntax for matching TCP flags in nftables. In iptables a rule can be
written like:

How do I do the equivalent in nftables? Also are we still able to use
the "ALL" and "NONE" keywords?

So a quick preamble. The iptables command and structure didn't include basic math support because the engine didn't have any sort of expression evaluation.

So in iptables the tow expressions are (first) the mask to bitwise-and with the actual flags, then (second) the expected result.

So --tcpflags M R is the same as "if ((packet_flags & M) == R) then"

In nftables you write that out as an actual expression.

So "tcp flags & (syn|fin) == syn|fin"

Which is "fetch tcp flags", make a bitwise or of syn and fin bits, use that value as a mask to ingore other bits, now make a bitwise or of syn and fin again, finally compare the two values and make sure they are equal.

Now the front-end is going to compile this into "flags & 0x03 == 0x03", which is exactly the sort of thing that the iptables match did so WTF amirite?

Since the nft system basically introduces a limited mathematical context you can use other expressions. Not equal and less-than and so on.

So lets say you want a counter of all the tcp packets with "exotic" flags.

thats "tcp flags ge urg counter"

This will catch any packet with urg, ecn, or cwr set regardless of any other flags also set.

So the math context relieves you of the strict equality test in the iptables version, but it's a hair more hands-on in terms of knowing how boolean expressions work in C-like languages.


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