So close to "recent" support... a modest proposal (or two)

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So with the "timeout" flag, if we had a "duplicates" flag we'd have full support for the old recent rules.

Consider (disregarding any syntax problems) the following, which is a semantic translation of one of my iptables rule group:

table ip filter {
 set bad_actors {
  type ipv4_address
  flags timeout
 set recent {
  type ipv4_address . inet_service
  flags duplicates timeout

 chain throttle {
  set update ip saddr timeout 1d drop
  set add ip saddr . dport timeout 1h @recent lt 4 return
  set add ip saddr timeout 1d @bad_actors

 chain input {
  type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
  set update ip saddr timeout 1d @bad_actors drop
  tcp dport ssh jump throttle



- the update of @bad_actors keeps them locked out till the go away for a day

- the @recent set acts as an event accumulator

- the timeout on @recent entries is the span

So the above approves three tries an hour because of the return, then falls through to mark the fourth try in an hour or less puts you in the @bad_actor list.

This lets me have my occasional SSH session for maintenance. Doesn't punish too soon. And forgives me next-day if I accidentally trip my own limit. Botnets and brute-force attacks quickly become irrelevant.

Underlying semantics:

In essence, if sets can hold duplicate entries then they return the number of entries that match when used in a numeric context (such as less-than or greater than or equal) and implicitly have a "greater-than zero" in Boolean contexts.

Each set entry would have it's own separate timeout (a count isn't sufficient).

The "add" operation will add a duplicate entry.

The "update" operation will update the timestamp of the newest entry only. (This _may_ be a change to existing semantics. The documentation on the add and update verbs was a little terse. But better sooner than later for this sort of change, if it is one. 8-)

The "update" entry would _not_ add an entry if no entry exists.

ASIDE: We don't seem to have a dynamic delete operation (we probably should) but it would best delete _all_ matching entries. Updating the timeout to zero or -1 should delete the latest entry.

MAYBE: add and update could take a "copies" number for useful weighting. e.g. all entries would have a default of 1 for this value and the return value would be the sum of all weights/copies from the list.

Garbage collection semantics would be the same as now. That would add some slop to the timeout/recent-count but too much precision there would be a huge waste of CPU.



It would be super useful if sets could (optionally) live in a global table or be aliased or otherwise shared between tables.

In particular I'd like to be able to put that @bad_actor set in the netdev table at a very negative priority to drop those packets before the state tracker and all that. It would cover that whole UNTRACKED issue automagically, without add/remove events in the connection tracker.

Syntactically, qualified namespace references like @filter::bad_actor would be fine, but I don't know if the underlying system can support that sort of cross-table access thing. (pointer locking or whatever might be problematic.)


Rob White,
Pushy user... 8-)
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