Can't get nftables ct mark to trigger iproute rule

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I have spent a lot of time investigating this myself, and I believe what I am trying should have worked, so I am now at a dead end.

I have a custom Linux machine (kernel version 4.1.6), which has two physical ethernet interfaces and one ppp interface.

Here's the setup (with fictious IP addresses):

eth0 has IP
eth1 has IP
ppp0 has IP

eth0 is connected to the local LAN, while eth1 is connected to a network of different devices. ppp0 is connected to a remote network.

Please note that the address of the ppp interface is not static, it changes frequently (at the whim of the mobile operator).

In the eth1 network there is a server with IP, and this server listens to UDP ports 41000-41002. I need to be able to communicate with this server both via eth0 and ppp0. Incoming packets to either of these interfaces will therefore need to be DNATed to reach this host.

So, here's my initial nftables config:

table ip firewall {
        chain incoming {
                type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
                ct state established,related accept
                iifname "lo" accept
                icmp type echo-request accept
                tcp dport { ssh} accept

        chain prerouting {
                type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept;
                iifname "ppp0" udp dport 41000-41002 dnat
                iifname "eth0" udp dport 41000-41002 dnat

        chain postrouting {
                type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept;
                oifname != "lo" masquerade

My routing rules for iproute2 looks like this (the rule with prio 2000 is updated whenever the ppp address changes):

0:      from all lookup local
1000:   from lookup ppproute
2000:   from lookup ppproute
32766:  from all lookup main
32767:  from all lookup default

And the ppproute table only contains a default route over ppp0:

default dev ppp0  scope link

With this setup, everything works correctly if the inbound traffic comes in over ppp0. Packets are correctly rewritten by nftables/netfilter, and exits out eth1. The return traffic hits the 1000 rule, and exits back to the sender.

If the traffic comes in over eth0, it also hits the host at as it should, but the return traffic is also routed back out over ppp0, which is my problem. I obviously need those packets to go back out eth0 to reach the client.

Since I have masquerading enabled for all but the lo interface, the packets coming back from the host at has a destination address of The 1000 rule works because it takes any traffic coming from and sends it to ppp0. This is clearly the wrong approach, as I also need to be able to talk to the server over eth0.

To be able to distinguish the traffic that comes in over ppp0, I tried to change the DNAT rule for traffic from ppp0 to this:

iifname "ppp0" udp dport 41000-41002 ct mark set 0x1 dnat

...and then I changed the ip rules to this:


0:      from all lookup local
1000:   from fwmark 0x01 lookup ppproute
2000:   from lookup ppproute
32766:  from all lookup main
32767:  from all lookup default

Now I can communicate over eth0, but if the traffic comes in over ppp0, the return traffic also goes back out eth0, so rule 1000 isn't being hit.

When I check the connection track entry, I see this:

udp 17 25 src= dst= sport=34624 dport=41000 src= dst= sport=41000 dport=34624 mark=1 use=1

The connection is marked with 0x01 as dictated by the DNAT rule, and the server replied as it should. However, the routing rule that should trigger on the mark isn't hit.

I also added a forward chain with counters to see if packets was marked, and the counters were hit.

In other words, return traffic traversing the forward chain was correctly marked, so I can't understand why the routing rule doesn't send the traffic back out ppp0.

rp_filtering is turned off for all interfaces, and forwarding is enabled.

  Øyvind Kaurstad, Grutlekleiva 16, 5517 Haugesund
  Tlf: 52 72 41 98, Mob: 990 86 990
  Email: oyvind@xxxxxxxxxx
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