matching source UDP port (in kernel module)

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Hi all,

I'm writing a conntracker module that should trigger on outgoing UDP packets
FROM a given port.
To my surprise, setting

   helper.tuple.src.u.udp.port = cpu_to_be16(port);

triggers on the destination port, i.e. I see all packets that go to "port".
Given that I used src.u.udp.port, I would have expected to achieve what I want.

Unfortunately, simply reversing things doesn't seem to help, i.e. setting

   helper2.tuple.dst.u.udp.port = cpu_to_be16(port);

doesn't work (never triggers). So obviously I have a misunderstanding about
what I have to do.

I'm using a 3.10.0 kernel. I noticed that in old tutorials, a mask in the
helper structure is used to mark which fields are filled and should be
compared. Do I have to provide this information through other means now?


PS: For completeness: I also have
   .tuple.src.l3num        = NFPROTO_IPV4,
   .tuple.dst.protonum     = IPPROTO_UDP,
Dr. Michael Ritzert                   Tel: +49 621 181 2883
Schaltungstechnik und Simulation      Fax: +49 621 181 2734
Technische Informatik, Uni Heidelberg michael.ritzert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
68131 Mannheim, Germany     

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