How to block all packets not destined to local IP's ?

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Subtitle: [xtables geoip] rules not applied to packets for non-configured IP's

from the router link (just 1 link) I'm getting traffic for multiple IP's
(a quasi multihomed system, actually a host node and multiple virtual systems therein),
that's correct so, but is there a way to drop all packets to IP's
that are actually not configured on the local system?
Is there a better way than writing a drop/reject-rule for each such IP?

And related to this, I think there is a bug in xtables geoip
because if there is a packet for such a not-configured IP
then the iptables rules (at least geoip rules) aren't applied to such packets.
How to fix this?

Confirmation, fixes and workarounds welcome. Thx.

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