Re: Failed to compile libnetfilter_queeu 1.0.1 under Centos 6.2

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I hope the message subject will make it to the appropriate thread, but
if not, I'm responding to

In short, the original problem was linked to a missing

I too had the same problem but it was with an RRM of libnfnetlink form
the epel repo
 After getting a hold of the source rpm off that repo I found that
they're patching to remove both linux_nfnetlink.h and
linux_nfnetlink_compat.h and instead, pointing libnfnetlink.h at the
kernel header nfnetlink.h.

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing as it impacted my
ability to build DAQ (for snort).  My install of libnetfilter_queue
references #include <libnfnetlink/linux_nfnetlink.h> which makes the
install of DAQ fail.  I could patch and rebuild libnetfilter_queue or
I could rebuild libnfnetlink, or I could make some hacky edits here
and there.  It is friday and beer drinking might just be in order for
these fixes so no telling what I might attempt :)

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