Re: iptables and virtual NIC

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On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 17:05, Kumar Swamy <kswamy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I am a newbie to iptables and experimenting some stuff.  So please excuse me, if this has already been discussed.
> I have a linux gateway which has a physical interface (eth0 ) and multiple virtual interfaces ( eth0:1, eth0:2), each has dynamic IP configured.
> I want to create an iptables rule for  IP masquerading on eth0 , but packets going out on other interfaces should be left untouched. Is this possible?
> I tried
> But it seems packet going out on virtual NICs ( aliases) are also hitting this rule.
> Is there any way to solve this problem without using SNAT? Since I have IP address configured dynamically, there is no easy way to do SNAT.

How does the routing work? I.e., when does a packet exits through eth0
or eth0:1 or eth0:2?

Use the same routing criteria on the iptables rule.


Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~

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