Re: iptables rules in comparable form

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On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 01:56:37PM +0200, Jan Engelhardt wrote:

> >Whole iptables ruleset is represented by few files in /etc. Some of them
> >are generated, some of them are hand written. I am able to feed /etc
> >rules to iptables-restore or execute them as shell script. This is
> >trivial. Although iptables-restore is faster than executing iptables in
> >shell script, it is still very slow sometimes.
> >
> >Changes in /etc ruleset are small but frequent. But primarily both
> >solutions reset couters if used and it is not good for me now. So I
> >ended with script that does incremental updates.
> How slow are we talking about? restore is never slower than
> iptables - ever, because, like iptables, it does one table replace
> operation per invocation of either binary. Your "incremental update"
> is in fact none, because tables are always replaced wholesome.

I know that iptables-restore with 10000 rules on input is faster than
10000 sequential "iptables -A ..." rules. It is obvious. But anyway it
is sometimes slower than my one "iptables -D" command followed by one
"iptables -A" command that both together reflect one particular change
in ruleset that I am able to recognize with rule comparison. Especially
under higher load. Reason is not obvious. I was forced also implement my
own locking and memoization around iptables-save that prevents its
concurrent invocation from accounting process. The accounting is simple -
it transfers output to accounting machinge. That caused troubles in the
past when I used to see hanging iptables-save/-restore processes. Maybe
some locking issues? It is hard to reproduce or debug for me. We use
Debian Etch and Lenny mainly without any kernel or netfilter customization.

I wanted to discuss this theme before I will start to prepare incremental
updates for tc configuration. It is even worse as restart takes routinely
1 or 2 minutes and there is no tc-restore mechanism and tc output
is totally different from its input.

Also note that my problem is not performance of packet filtering.
It is OK.


Radek Kanovsky
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