Re: DNAT issue (with added network diagram)

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(apologies if you see this twice; I accidentally sent as HTML first.)

Add an /etc/hosts entry on cave that maps maar to Not great
if you want cave to get to maar and you don't have an alternate set of
LAN addresses, I suppose.

If cave is trying to access XMPP on itself, then would it also want to
access HTTPS? If so, then bouncing traffic through maar seems like a
good thing.

For the direct answer you're looking for, though, are you saying the
direct approach doesn't work?:

  iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d maar --dport 443 -j DNAT
--to-destination localhost:5222

If you have all these public IPs, can't you get more than one for cave
and dispense with all of the NATting?

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 7:21 AM, Simon Tennant <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 03/05/2010 16:01, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
>>> My question is what DNAT or SNAT rules do we need to add to cave or to maar so
>>> that remote *and local (originating from cave)* clients can make xmpp
>>> connecitons on 443 and end up on cave:5222?\
>> Since they have all public addresses, no NAT is needed.
> Just to clarify: both services run on one host.  The second host (maar) doesn't host any services and shouldn't. It's role in this is just forwarding maar:443 -> cave:5222.  Ordinarily I'd just have a listener for xmpp on cave:443 but that's taken by apache.  Hence this packet wangling.
> S.
> --
> Simon Tennant
> +44 20 7043 6756 (UK - office)
> +49 17 8545 0880 (Germany - mobile)
> +49 89 4209 55854 (Germany - office)
> skype: simontennant
> xmpp: simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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