Problem after SAME tagret became obsoletes

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Dear All,

I am aware that SAME is obsoletes on higher linux 2.6, and I am inform to use only masquerade or SNAT. 
Since I am using a multiple source and a multiple destination IP address, my configuration with SAME goest like this:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SAME --to --nodst
with the above rule it "gives the client the same source/destination-address for connection" which solves my problem on voice chat, yahoo, msn and other voice messenger.

I am trying hard to find out how am I going to implement the same rule using SNAT but I cannot find any link. Can you please help me on this. If possible give me the step by step procedure on how to solve my problem.

Please Cc: me in every response  

Thank you very much,

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