policy routing and iptables troubles

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Good day!
I'm getting trouble in policy routing on debian etch with
linux-2.6.18-4-486 router and dual network interface.
I want to make second MX for my domain on the same server as first,
but on another network interface from second ISP.

That is my firewall settings:
CSD is remote host
TEST1 is my server with MX

iptables -t mangle --append PREROUTING --protocol tcp --syn -m state
--state NEW --source $CSD --dst $TEST1 --in-interface eth1 --jump
CONNMARK --set-mark 0x1
iptables -t mangle --append PREROUTING -m connmark --mark 0x1 --source
$CSD --dst $TEST1 --in-interface eth1 --jump CONNMARK --restore-mark
iptables --append INPUT -m connmark --mark 0x1 --source $CSD --dst
$TEST1 --in-interface eth1 --jump ACCEPT

iptables -t mangle --append OUTPUT -m connmark --mark 0x1 --source
$TEST1 --dst $CSD --jump CONNMARK --restore-mark
iptables --append OUTPUT -m connmark --mark 0x1 --source $TEST1 --dst
$CSD --out-interface eth1 --jump ACCEPT

that is my ip settings:
GATE is my default gw for eth1 interface

ip route add $GATE dev eth1 table ytk
ip route add default via $GATE dev eth1 table ytk
/sbin/ip rule add fwmark 0x1 table ytk

The result is:
iptables INPUT rules passes well, but output rules fails, because
packets wanted to get out through eth0.
May 22 16:18:09 test kernel: marked output finded IN= OUT=eth0
SRC=<TEST1> DST=<CSD> LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF

I googled this quiestion last 3 days and i have unsuccessful result.
Where is mistake and why packets, marked as 0x1, doesn't goes through eth1?
Anybody has any ideas about this question?
Thanks in advance.
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