Hi, I'm trying to setup conntrackd according to http://people.netfilter.org/pablo/conntrackd/install.html. It looks like I'm doing something wrong but I can't find out what it is. I'm using: - CentOS 5 - kernel - libnfnetlink-20070712 - libnetfilter_conntrack-20070712 - conntrack-tools-20070712 - keepalived-1.1.13 I've installed keepalived and got that part working. Next, I installed/configured conntrackd, but when trying to start it I receive this error: # conntrackd -C /usr/local/etc/conntrackd/conntrackd.conf ERROR: conntrackd cannot start, please check the logfile for more info # tail /var/log/conntrackd.log [...] [Mon Aug 6 13:25:03 2007] (pid=5701) --- starting in console mode --- [Mon Aug 6 13:25:03 2007] (pid=5701) [FAIL] can't open multicast server! [Mon Aug 6 13:25:03 2007] (pid=5701) [FAIL] initialization failed So, I thought I may lack some options in the kernel. To sum it up: CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST=y CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_ENABLED=m The doc says I need: # nfnetlink # ctnetlink (ip_conntrack_netlink) This would be nfnetlink (?): CONFIG_NETFILTER_NETLINK=m CONFIG_NETFILTER_NETLINK_QUEUE=m CONFIG_NETFILTER_NETLINK_LOG=m CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK=m This produces nf_conntrack_netlink.o. In 2.6.18 (RHEL5 source) upto 26.21.7 (vanilla) I find CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK_NETLINK=m (which produces ip_conntack_netlink.o), but in it's not there. I don't see anything about this in the changelog for 2.6.22 or has this been replaced by nf_conntrack_netlink.o? About "connection tracking event notification API", I suppose it's this? CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK=m CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_ENABLE=m (CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_EVENTS=y) I don't know where else to look and Google didn't exactly give me much. Can someone please enlighten me what it is that I'm missing here? Thanks, Rob