Filka Michal wrote: > I use api provided by libnetfilter_conntrack library. When creating conntrack (nfct_conntrack_alloc) record I assign it an id. Then conntrack is successfully created (nfct_create_conntrack). However, when I try to delete it later on using the same id call (nfct_delete_conntrack) fails (NFNETLINK answers: No such file or directory). If I look at conntrack using "conntrack -L -i" I see that created record has another id than I assigned it in nfct_conntrack_alloc. > > Does libnetfilter_conntrack ignore given id? If not, what can be wrong? > > Configuration: > Linux debian, kernel > libnetfilter_conntrack 0.0.31 ^^^ This version is really from the cavemen era. Please upgrade to 0.0.80 and check the new API (see utils/ example files). -- "Países en desarrollo es el nombre con que los expertos designan a los países arrollados por el desarrollo ajeno" -- Patas Arriba. La Escuela del Mundo al Revés -- E. Galeano