Thank you Maximilian, I think thats exactly what I need
Georg from Germany
Maximilian Wilhelm schrieb:
Am Sunday, den 22 July hub Georg Hohenberger folgendes in die Tasten:
Please reply to the list, so everone can answer and read the mail.
I redirected the thread to the list again.
Maximilian Wilhelm schrieb:
Sorry, I don´t get what you want to do.
What exactly should your file-server load-balance?
The access to the internet using both DSL routers?
yes, inside my lan there are 2 routers which schould be used by my
server to do load-balancing to share a gateway to the other pc's in my lan
That should be possible.
The basic concept is to point the default gateway of all your boxes to
your linux box and let the linux box decide where to push the traffic
If you just have two normal DSL lines you will most probably not be
able to do *real* loadbalancing as your ISP would have to help you.
What you can do is to push different types of connections along the
two routers, but you have to take care the a connection (e.g. a ssh
session) is routed along the same path while active.
So you may want to set up two routing tables on your linux box (one
for each DSL router which becomes default gateway in that table) and
set up some iptables rules which decide which traffic should be routed
via which routing table (think: DSL router).
Have a look at
to get an idea about how to set something like this up (It is not an
exact example, just a similar one, but the general idea should become