Hi, INL is proud to announce the availability of the Nuface 1.0 branch (latest release 1.0.3). Nuface is an intuitive firewall configuration interface for EdenWall/NuFW as well as for Netfilter. It lets you use high level objects, agglomerate objects into ACLs, and deals with generating Netfilter rules as well as LDAP Acls for NuFW. Nuface uses an XML abstraction of filtering rules, as well as an XML definition of the network topology. This leads to automatic auti-spoofing rules (ie, the web interface does not show the notion of physical network interface to the admins, but deals with it internally). Nuface is distributed under the terms of the GPL v2 license. You can test nuface at the Nuface demo site : https://nuface.inl.fr/ Of course you wonʼt be able to generate or apply firewall rules on this demo. Happy filtering to all, -- Eric Leblond for the INL development team
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