Hello, This is my first time posting here and I have a problem with some basics. I have a personal laptop running Debian sitting behind a linksys future-shop-bought router that nicely provides me with DHCP services at boot. My only concern at the moment is having iptables as a basic firewall that can block/accept all incoming and outgoing packets from my untrustworthy router. Starting out to experiment, I wanted to block all incoming packets: iptables -P INPUT DROP Then, I wanted to undo my changes: iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT Why is it that now I can't access the internet? I can access my router at and my other system at but everythign else is just shut down. Checking my router setup turns out that it assigned only one DHCP client, and my system is gone from its list. Is there something about the internal workings of iptables I should know, or is this meant for the Debian, or general Linux help mailing list?? I attempted restarting my networking scripts but it failed on DHCP init. Bart