I'm trying to apply patch-o-matic-ng on fedora core 4 2.6.11 kernel, what I
did was:
cd /usr/src
ln -s kernels/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4-smp-i686/ linux
cd /usr/src/linux
tar -xjvf iptables-1.3.4-20060103.tar.bz2
mv iptables-1.3.4-20060103 iptables
tar -xjvf patch-o-matic-ng-20060103.tar.bz2
mv patch-o-matic-ng-20060103 patch-o-matic-ng
export KERNEL_DIR=/usr/src/linux
export IPTABLES_DIR=/usr/src/linux/iptables/
cd patch-o-matic-ng/
./runme extra
And in the enf of command ./runme extra :
Excellent! Source trees are ready for compilation.
Recompile the kernel image.
Recompile the netfilter kernel modules.
Recompile the iptables binaries.
After recompile the kernel, do I have do recompile "/usr/src/linux/iptables"
? And replace the binaries of iptables ?
Does someone has a HOWTO about this ? In
had only to recompile the kernel...
Sorry for my bad english.
Pedro Drimel Neto.
----- Original Message -----
From: "KOVACS Krisztian" <hidden@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Samuel Díaz García" <samueldg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: pom-ng "condition" for 2.6 kernels
On Tuesday 03 January 2006 15.48, Samuel Díaz García wrote:
Jorge, I don't know if you stand me, but the problem isn't if I know how
to use patch-o-matic.
The problem is a bug in patch-o-matic (or mistake) that don't allow to
use "condition" patch with 2.6.x kernels.
I explain in the message you reply.
It's not a bug, pom-ng simply does not contain the 2.6 version of the
condition match.
KOVACS Krisztian