On Tue, December 20, 2005 15:31, ammad wrote: > i have problem and getting this a bug.(may be) > > i am using linux box as firewall+forwarding clients requests to > internet. my problem is that a server of windows ftp2003, and > clients are unable to browse ftp site, while they are able to connect Do you have a passive/active ftp problem ? Did you try to switch from passive to active (active to passive) and see if it works ? > any linux base ftp server on net. i am also using squid. all of that > there isn't any restriction in squid or iptables. > i can connect from linux box to windows 2003 ftp server. > i flushed all rules, deleted all chains. and default policy to > ACCEPT. > > and atleast i used this rule but still getting error from client > side, when i check on client > c:\> netstat -a > tcp SYN_SENT > > > and at least connection time out > i am using these two rules only (two) > > iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT > iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT Do you load "ip_conntrack_ftp" ? After reading your email I'm not sure if you need ip_nat_ftp : which is behind the (iptables) firewall, the client or the server ? Gr, Rob